Author: ricmac

Cherie Hu Cherie Hu

A couple of weeks ago I interviewed one of the original bloggers, Jason Kottke, who started in 1998. This week’s interview is the perfect complement, as she represents the new generation of online media. Cherie Hu is a twenty-something music journalist from Brooklyn who runs an email newsletter and podcast, and earns revenue from these activities via Patreon.

Read More Cherie Hu, the new wave of new media

Jason Kottke Jason Kottke

Jason Kottke launched his blog in 1998. That’s right, back in the twentieth century. Seven years later, he went full-time as a blogger and it’s been his professional identity ever since.

What I find most remarkable about Kottke’s story is that he’s never stopped blogging. The blog as an online publishing format is deeply unfashionable now. It was usurped firstly by social media and more recently by email newsletters. Yet Kottke the blogger persists.

Read More Jason Kottke, OG blogger

A quick note that I’ve decided to rebrand, from Indie Digital Media to Creator Interviews.

This site is just a month and a half old, and the new name better describes the articles I’ve written so far. Also I’d like the type of creator I profile here to be broad, and the term ‘digital media’ has been too restrictive. For example, it isn’t a great descriptor for what illustrators or authors produce.

How does this affect you, the reader? You don’t need to do a thing, as the site’s URL and feed has automatically updated.

Read More New name: Creator Interviews

Tal Oran, The Traveling Clatt Tal Oran, The Traveling Clatt

Tal Oran is a popular video blogger, who has nearly 90,000 subscribers on YouTube and 160,000 on Facebook. In the following interview, Oran tells me more about how he runs his vlogging business. We discuss how he grew his audience over the past five years, to the point where he now makes a full-time income from it. He tells the story of when and how his first video ‘went viral’ in 2017, the trigger for a strong period of growth that continues to this day.

Read More Going viral: interview with YouTuber Tal Oran